For its return, the Judo Pro League 2024 is undergoing a number of regulatory changes, which we invite you to discover together.
A single ippon to win, the kinza to energize fights
A major development last year was the end of the 2 ippon format. This year, a single ippon (10 points) is enough to win, and 2 waza ari are enough to win the bout. On the other hand, one of the most noteworthy new features is the (re)introduction of kinza: during a bout, 3 shidos are still synonymous with hansoku make, but the 2nd shido inflicted on a judoka offers a point synonymous with waza ari to his opponent who, if no other points are scored during the bout, will be declared the winner.
Return of classic men's weight categories and matte
In terms of match organization, there are no major changes: teams are still composed of 5 female and 5 male judokas for each of their matches. Unlike last year, the men's weight categories follow the international pattern (-66kg, -73kg, -81kg, -90kg, +90kg). As last year, bouts last 5 minutes, but the timer stops during matches. There will always be a time-out halfway through the bout.
Find out more about the Judo Pro League 2024 rules, click here.